The objective of this sport is make a try or ensayo, that is five points, by putting the ball on the pitch, in the furthest line.


The first defence movement is the tackle or placaje, with it, you can stop your adversary, when he or she is going to make a tackle, touching in the trousers with the two hands. At this moment, the person has to throw the ball to another person.


The game starts by kicking the ball from the centre, which is called line-out or saque de centro. The players who are in the same team have to stay behind the person who starts the game. The opposite team has to stay five metres opposite them.

When you make a mistake or you do a fault, we start the game again this consists of kicking the ball and running to catch it. The name of this movement is drop goal or puesta en juego.  


In this game the avant, is very important. In it the players can run to rearch the try zone but they can´t throw the ball ahead, only backwards. You can throw the ball ahead with a kick.


The mele is a movement that we make when someone throws the ball ahead with his or her hands (avant).

The touche is a movement that we carry out when the ball goes out.