Athletics is a sport which is composed by some events like: walking, running, jumping and throwing.
The first expressions of athletics were born in the Paleolitic, there are many cave pictures where we can see people running or throwing.
It is the oldest sport, people have been practised athletics since 776 before Chirst, with the Olimpic games in Greece. In there, Pentathlon was the most famous event of athletics. Many years later, in Rome, people did this games in honor to the Gods.

In 394, Teodosio prohibited the Olimpic games. This prohibition existed a lot of years until 1893, with Pierre de Coubertain, who impulsed the new Olimpic games.
Athletics is the perfect expression of the Olympic motto ‘Citius, Altius, Fortius’ (‘Faster, Higher, Stronger’) – the competition requires athletes to run faster, throw further, jump higher and leap longer than their rivals.
Athletics is the largest single sport at the Games.
There are a lot of people who have records in different athletics events:
-Carl Lewis, Usain Bolt, Carolina Klüft, Thirunesh Diaba...