The opposite team have to do a saque de banda if one player touches the ball, and this ball go away throw the laterals lines.
The opposite team must do a free throw if:
-One player runs with the ball in his/her hands more than three steps without bouncing.
-One player bounces the ball, catches it with her/his two hands and he/she bounces it again.
-One player catches the ball in her/his hands more than three seconds.
-One player touches the ball with his/her knees or under them.
-One player enter in the area de portería (with or without the ball) for having advantage.

If someone makes a fault, the other team have to do a penalty shot  (golpe franco),  this is a throwing in the place that the fault was made.

 We do a penalty shot (golpe franco)if:
One player hits the opposite for having the ball.
One player uses his/her hands, arms or legs for block the oppositte. We only can block someone with our body, without catching nobody.

One player hits, huges or kicks another player.

We can throw a penalti if:
One player makes a fault with the end of avoid a goal.
One player defends in the área de portería with intention.
One player passes the ball to the goalkeeper when she/he is in her/his area.